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Tu Eres Suficiente

Cathy Caps Caplener

This morning I had coffee with a woman who reached out to me when the Spanish, YOU ARE ENOUGH billboard was up in May. Her name is Lucia and she is 62 years young. She reached out to me in May and explained how she wanted to end her life because her heart hurt and her mind was not bright. She felt like a ghost and unseen by her family of 10. She made arrangements to pick up sleeping pills to end her life. On her way to get them she saw the billboard. She said she let out a big cry and that she cried so hard that she could no longer drive. She stopped up the road from the board and trembled in her car. She felt relief. She felt light. And she felt that the billboard was a sign for her to stay on this planet and care for others who are hurting. When she is ready, she wants to talk to others about her experience. But for now, she is going to free therapy ( I found someone who would sponsor her) and is more open to her family about her feelings. She is on a healing journey and hopes to walk next years YOU ARE ENOUGH 5K. 

Bless you, Lucia. And know that you are worthy, seen, and supported.


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