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Partnering With Lamar Advertising for May Mental Health Awareness Month Pays Off For Millions in America!

Cathy Caps Caplener

Thank you, hashtag#lamaradvertising, for choosing YOU ARE ENOUGH as your May Mental Health Awareness PSA recipient! I heard from a lot of people from around the country that they saw the boards and how the boards helped them lean into their ENOUGH. 

For those of you who have been following the campaign, here are the stats from the campaign. Impressive!

If you are interested in the impact that the Lamar Advertising partnership with YOU ARE ENOUGH went, here are their stats! I am so grateful that they chose me to work with for their national PSA campaign. YOU ARE ENOUGH was their only cause that they chose for the campaign. Super cool.

Number of markets: 33

Number of digital billboards: 531

Number of impressions: 59M

Approx dollar value of our donation: $534,000.00

Here is a list of all 33 participating markets:

Colorado Springs, CO

Baton Rouge, LA

Gulfport, MS

Monroe, LA

Montgomery, AL

Birmingham, AL

Traverse City, MI

York/Lancaster, PA

Williamsport, PA

Syracuse, NY

Hammond, LA

Detroit, MI

Kansas City, MO

New Orleans, LA

Madison, WI - Rockford, IL

Billings, MT

Spokane, WA

Midland/Odessa, TX

San Angelo, TX

Tyler, TX

Hartford, CT

Providence, RI

Columbus, OH

Cincinnati, OH

Temple, TX

New Mexico/El Paso

Brownwood, TX

Indianapolis, IN

Myrtle Beach

Reno, NV

La Crosse, WI


Northeast Indiana - Fort Wayne


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