I am so excited to share that our second annual YOU ARE ENOUGH 5K that was held in Hermosa Beach on May 5th was a major and heartfelt success! We had more than 500 folks turn up to show one another that we are all worthy and supported, even though there are times when we just do not feel ok. This is one of the major reasons I started my non-profit, Giving Purpose Organization. I wanted to and now, more than ever, want to help people feel worthy, seen, and supported through the kindness and support of others via the words YOU ARE ENOUGH. Four years later and 2000 billboards that have been launched throughout the United States, a movement has evolved! And, if you were able to join us at our 5K, you would have felt the love and support in the crowd of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Sure, people were there to walk/run the beautiful 5K course that took place on the Hermosa Beach/Manhattan Beach strand. Yet, from what I saw and heard, people came to the event to gain or give support to others who know that it is ok not to feel ok and sometimes we need to remember that we all struggle with feeling ENOUGH. Part of the proceeds from the event will go towards raising three billboards, one of which will be the first Spanish billboard!
I also want to thank the LA County Department of Mental Health for providing a grant as part of its Take Action campaign where it helped folks like me who are trying to help our communities find ways to cope with and manage our mental health and wellness challenges. I could have not put on such an amazing event without their support!
