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PRIDE 2024 Is So About Feeling ENOUGH

This past weekend I was honored to celebrate gay PRIDE in West Hollywood with thousands of folks who truly get what it means to lean into feeling into their ENOUGH. For those of you who are not familiar with what gay pride means, it is very simple and straight forward. LGBTQ pride (also known as gay pride or simply pride) is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements.

As a way to promote PRIDE and feeling worthy, I launched a billboard in West Hollywood with the PRIDE colors. I am happy to say that I was able to get the billboard up via part of the proceeds from my recent YOU ARE ENOUGH 5K that was held on May 5th in Hermosa Beach. I wanted the participants of the 5K to know that they were giving back to a cause and I feel and believe that the billboard in West Hollywood will help many, many folks, gay or straight.

During the three day PRIDE celebration that consisted of concerts, vendor showcases, and a parade, the billboard stood proud and gave on looker a sense of hope and being seen. You could not miss the board! And, yet again, the news station, KTLA, was there to film it and promote it.

As I walked through the crowds with a friend handing out campaign wristbands, I continued to see and feel into the value of YOU ARE ENOUGH. The wristband may be just a little piece of rubber with three words printed on it, but they also help people feel worthy, seen, and supported when they get one. I can easily say that at least 90% of those who receive the little band are appreciative of the gift and have a smile in their eyes. A lot of people will tell me that I have no idea how much they needed to see the words YOU ARE ENOUGH. And many of these times I simply say, I do know and I get it.

I love the community and sense of pride that people in West Hollywood feel. Today, in our country, or even world, it seems as though we are losing that sense of community as so many people strive to feel into their awesome sense of self. More than ever, we need to let others know and appreciate them for who they are and how they are unique for just being them. As I drove home from the festivities I gave myself a little hug and thanked myself for giving back to others so I also could feel a sense of self. Sometimes I wonder if the YOU ARE ENOUGH campaign is really making a difference and after seeing the smiles and receiving hugs from complete strangers at the celebration, I knew that yes, I am making a difference and am empowering others to be positive mirrors of love for others as they too share the words YOU ARE ENOUGH.


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